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SNMCMG1 Visits Klapedia and Concludes Sea Period

Yesterday, Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group One (SNMCMG1) concluded its 5 months sea deployment under the command of Lithuanian Navy Officer, Commander Giedrius Premeneckas onboard the Lithuanian flagship LNS JOTVINGIS, and returned to Klaipėda, Lithuania.

LNS JOTVINGIS (Lithuania) accompanied by the ENS TALIVALDIS (Latvia) and LVNS SAKALA (Estonia) entered Klaipėda port yesterday while the other six ships of the group have returned to their home bases. SNMCMG1 will be on high readiness until the handover of the command to the Royal Netherlands Navy in January 2015.

SNMCMG1 welcoming ceremony was attended by the Vice Minister of National Defence Mr. Antanas Valys, Commander of the Latvian Navy Captain (Navy) Juris Roze and Estonian Navy representative Commander Indrek Hanson.

"I am satisfied that we have managed to achieve quick and smooth units integrations which resulted in very efficient SNMCMG1 performance during various exercises and operations," Commander Premeneckas said by underlining that SNMCMG1 ships carried out their tasks in a complex geopolitical situation. "This deployment provided my staff and the crews of the unit’s not only useful experience but also ensured the effective performance of the group, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the Alliance and regional security.”

Lithuania is the first of three Baltic States, which was entrusted to lead the NATO standing group by assigning commander, providing staff support ship LNS JOTVINGIS and staff personnel. Lithuanian Navy Officer was entrusted to lead the group of eight ships representing Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Netherlands and Germany.

Since the beginning of August 2014, NATO ships under command of Commander Premeneckas participated in a number of large-scale multinational exercises which included "NORTHERN COAST 2014” in the territorial waters of Finland, joint forces exercise "JOINT WARIOR 2014” held in the north-west coast of Scotland, mine clearance operation "FRENCH HODOPS " off  the French coast.

By demonstrating presence of Alliance in the region and solidarity, the ships visited many ports of NATO and partner countries such as Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands and France. While conducting transit between ports of visit, SNMCMG1 ships conducted various tactical training exercises.

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