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MARCOM Hosts new Commander NATO Special Operations Headquarters

NORTHWOOD, UK – Today, the new Commander of NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ), Lieutenant General Brad Webb (USA AF), visited NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) to discuss maritime operations and special operations forces (SOF) interaction.

Lieutenant General Webb took command of NSHQ on August 28, during a brief ceremony at his new headquarters, collocated with SHAPE in Casteau, Belgium.  During his visit to MARCOM, he was briefed on MARCOM on-going operations, to include NATO counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR in the Mediterranean and counter-piracy Operation OCEAN SHIELD off the Horn of Africa.

"As the NATO Summit gets underway today in south Wales, we are reminded of how important a role maritime security will play in the challenges the Alliance faces ahead,” said Vice Admiral Hudson.  "Close coordination between the Allied maritime and SOF components will be essential to Allied security from threats posed by both state and non-state actors.”

The NSHQ provides focused Special Operations advice to the SACEUR and NATO leadership and enhances the Alliance SOF network. It supports NATO Special Operations Forces across the Alliance and provides the focal point for NATO Special Operations expertise.  The NSHQ interacts with national SOF Commanders, other NATO bodies and entities such as the European Union and partner nations.

Lieutenant General Webb is a command pilot with more than 3,700 flight hours, including combat hours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bosnia.  He previously commanded U.S. Special Operations Command, Europe.

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