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Danish Maritime Patrol Aircraft joins NATO Counter-Piracy Operation

SEYCHELLES, Indian Ocean – A Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) CHALLENGER (CL-604) from the Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) is currently supporting NATO's counter-piracy Operation OCEAN SHIELD Task Force 508 (CTF-508).

The Danish MPA is stationed in the Seychelles and includes an aircrew and support team of 21 personnel, including two liaison officers at NATO Allied Maritime Command MARCOM.

This is the fourth time the Royal Danish Air Force is participating in the counter-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia. The aircraft is equipped with radar to conduct surveillance over sea as well as an infrared and optical camera to collect intelligence about Somali pirates’ activities.

"While intensely reduced, Somali piracy has not been entirely eradicated,” said Commodore Aage Buur Jensen (DNK N), CTF-508 Commander. "Many of the pirate networks are still intact and able to operate, so counter-piracy forces must remain vigilant.”

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