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Bulgarian Frigate VERNI Concludes NATO Counter-Terrorism Support

MEDITERRANEAN SEA – Saturday, November 8, the Bulgarian Frigate VERNI concluded a more than a month‘s support to NATO‘s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR (OAE).    

VERNI and her crew of 130 Sailors, under the command of Commander Pavlin Petcov, entered the Mediterranean Sea and commenced support to OAE on October 7th.

During their patrol, the crew monitored shipping in the designated area of operations in the Mediterranean, identifying and hailing several merchant vessels, and they also participated in a specialized module of training at the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center in Souda Bay, Greece.

The crew ensured critical skills remained sharp, conducting boarding and damage control exercises, as well as exercise dealing with detecting, tracking and reporting of surface and air targets. The crew simulated use of anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine warfare weapons, including use of the close-in weapons systems (CWIS) to protect the ship from small, fast attack craft.  VERNI was also twice replenished at sea.

"We greatly appreciate BGS VERNI‘s contributions to our counter-terrorism operations in the Mediterranean during this past month," said Vice Admiral Bruno Paulmier, Deputy Commander of NATO Allied Maritime Command.  "The professionalism Commander Petkov and his crew have shown demonstrates the commitment of this valued Ally to maritime security in the Mediterranean, and we wish them well on their return to Burgas." 

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